Designing Pet-friendly Areas
Designing Pet-friendly Areas – The final design proposal for Fred Anderson Park was presented at a public meeting on November 20. Below is a brief description of the proposed dog-friendly area, comparing it to other dog parks in Chicago and highlighting some interesting design features.
St. between Wabash Avenue and East Street. Right now, the lot is just an empty lot with a small asphalt parking lot on the north side.
Designing Pet-friendly Areas
The park covers an area of 1.1 acres. Now, Chicago’s “dog-friendly” areas are small, and this park will be no exception. Frisbee Dog, Dog Free Run –
Pet Friendly Interior Design: Pet Proofing Tips & Tricks
The proposed small dog area is approximately 67′ x 94′ oval in shape and is primarily (80%) paved with concrete. About 18 percent of the surface will be an “artificial turf” feature, a central raised planting, and a water channel … Read the rest